Client Stories
How we guided these companies through their digital acceleration journeys
With the increased importance of digital acceleration over the last years, companies have been reaching out for help. A few common challenges that we see are misalignment of management teams, no (shared) vision to the digitization and the increasing importance of improving up their digital capabilities and presence.
Find out how we tackled these challenges in 3 real-life cases:
- Change management at a leading pharmaceutical company
- Starting a digital revolution in the beverage industry
- Digital acceleration for a kitchen appliances company
1. Change management at a leading pharmaceutical company
A digital transformation strategy was created at EMEA level. The challenge here was to translate this to a local strategy, which also included increasing collaboration between the brand teams (that consisted of several stakeholders and skills) and the digital team (that operated in silos and on an ad hoc basis), while continuing innovation and improving customer experience and interactions.
Bridging the knowing-doing gap
We set up workshops to define an optimal way of working and training the digital team. The digital team was reorganized into single points of contact per brand team, each with their own specialty, who drove the full customer experience for each team. Vice versa, the brand teams could involve their digital SPOC sooner in the process, leading to proactive development of customer journeys and omnichannel plans.
Furthermore, a change management track was launched which involved the entire organization and enabled co-creation. Finally, the communication and implementation of the new set-up were put into place.
Leaving our fingerprint behind
The company keeps track of a digital maturity index on a global scale. Thanks to the reorganization and change, the local index improved from 52% to 68.7% over the assignment period, putting the local initiatives on the map as a best practice. There was an increased co-operation between the local team members and the EMEA projects to share their expertise and approach.
2. Starting a digital revolution in the beverage industry
A digital revolution involves the entire organization and can, therefore, only lift off when everyone is on board. At a leading beverage company, there was little to no insight in the position of their employees regarding digital transformation. Besides this, both the digital needs and skills appeared to be very different within the organization, creating a lot of confusing and opposite interests.
The corporate vision, therefore, needed to be revised into a digital vision and a framework was needed to layout the ‘playground’ for these new digital initiatives.
Bridging the knowing-doing gap
We assessed employees on a large scale, from the finance department to the marketing teams and the brewery, to check their digital readiness and viewpoints. Once this was mapped out, workshops were organized in order to create alignment within the organization and to formulate a clear vision via our frameworks.
Leaving our fingerprint behind
The research pointed out there were a solid basis and employee commitment towards digital transformation. A charter was created which was the basis for defining the digital initiatives and made sure that management was on the same page. The initiatives were prioritized based on impact and feasibility, which led to a long-list and, in the end, a short-list of concrete action points to be implemented.
3. Digital acceleration for a kitchen appliances company
Stronger innovation and digitization skills at their competitors forced this company that works in kitchen appliances to reinvent their business model and embrace digital acceleration. We were asked to guide this process by delivering a strategic blueprint and leading this to a concrete action plan.
Bridging the knowing-doing gap
The first step was to gather insights, from competitor research to quantitative surveys to end-consumers and B2B partners. From these results, several unmet client needs and opportunities were unveiled, which were used as input to create the vision and strategic building blocks of a digitalization acceleration roadmap.
Finally, we performed an internal audit to assess the digital readiness of the entire organization.
Leaving our fingerprint behind
A strategic and tactical roadmap was created, including personas, documented customer journeys, content and channel strategy. We assessed the skills and tool stack present at that time and made recommendations for a.o. CRM tooling, Marketing Automation journeys.
These recommendations were translated into the action points, such as new campaigns that were tested involving a new website and dedicated landing pages. On the organizational level, teams were realigned and educated into the company’s newly set goals and vision.