Marketing Talent Search: An Interview with Thomas Peeters on Blending Marketing and Recruitment
In this interview Thomas Peeters explains how marketing principles can revolutionize talent acquisition. By combining qualitative and quantitative data, companies can gain a deeper understanding of both candidate and employer needs. This data-driven approach allows for more targeted recruitment strategies, resulting in a higher quality of hires and a stronger employer brand.
Client Stories 4
Client Talk: How Telenet and The House of Marketing Crafted a Future-Proof Training Program
Client Stories 4
Client Talk: How VDAB Leveraged a Tailored Digital Marketing Strategy with The House of Marketing’s Expertise
Client Stories 3 min reading
Leveraging data and personalized communication: A retailer’s journey with The House of Marketing
Client Stories 4 min reading
Value based pricing at Losberger De Boer
Client Stories 3 min reading
Pan European brand positioning for IPP
Client Stories 4 min reading
Housing association Staedion formulates basic quality from customer’s perspective
Client Stories 3 min reading
Data-driven optimisation of proposition & price for SEAT after sales
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Nationale-Nederlanden in search of ideal insurance palette: product, price, communication
Client Stories 5 min reading
Brand Positioning for Boels
Client Stories 3 min reading
How we identified early adopters to prepare the EMEA-launch of a new cardiological device
Client Stories 4 min reading
How we developed the positioning and brand identity of a leading medical device company in the coronary market
Client Stories 3 min reading
How we guided a large pharmaceutical company towards a strong digital strategy based on target group insights
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